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FACULTY ACCOMPLISHMENTSGrants Received1. David Blekhman, PI, EcoCAR 3 competition, funded by Department of Energy, Argonne Labs, American Society for Engineering Education, and General Motors, $800K (2014 to 2018).2. David Blekhman, PI, “CSULA hydrogen research and fueling facility maintenance and operations,” funded by California Energy Commission, $300K (2014 to 2017).3. David Blekhman, Co-PI, “Southern California alternative fuel and advanced vehicle technology center,” funded by California Energy Commission, $120K (2014 to 2017).4. Jane Dong and Pearl Chen, “Research initiation grant: how collaborative PBL and community inquiry affect self-efficacy of minority groups in engineering,” NSF RIGEE Program, $149K (2012 to 2015).5. Hassan Hashemian, “Summer transportation institute at CSULA,” Caltrans/FHWA, $46K (2014).6. Eun-Young Kang, Co-PI, “Transforming experience of computer science software development through multiplayer online game classroom collaboration in industrial format,” National Science Foundation (NSF) TUES Grant, $150K (2012 to 2015). With PI I. Yoon, SF State.7. Gustavo Menezes, PI, “Sophomore unified core curriculum for engineering education (SUCCEEd).” National Science Foundation, $200K (2014 to 2016). Co-PIs Deborah Won, Adel Sharif, Tonatiuh Rodriguez-Nikl, and Arturo Pacheco-Vega. Menezes, PI, “MRI: Acquisition of an ultra-centrifuge to enhance research and educationat California State University Los Angeles,” NSF/Major Research Instrumentation Grant, $442K (2013 to 2014).David Raymond, “Forensic Science Student Association,” California State University Los Angeles Instructionally-Related Activities (IRA) Program, $5K (2014 to 2015).David Raymond, “Development of the next generation helmet test standard,” California State UniversityLos Angeles Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Program, $5K (2013 to 2014).David Raymond, “Development of a source-origin revealing system for crime scene analysis,” California State University, Center for Teaching and Learning Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award, $1,500 (2013 to 2014).Mark Tufenkjian, PI, “Equipment and instrumentation to improve prediction of near surface seafloor soil properties by geophysical measurements,” Department of Defense, $397K (2014 to 2015).Nancy Warter-Perez, PI, “IMPACT LA: Improving minority partnerships and access through CISE-related teaching,” National Science Foundation Graduate STEM Fellows in K-12 Education Program, $2.74M (2008 to 2014). Co-PIs E. Kang, J. Dong, H. Guo, and E. Lipton.Deborah Won, PI, “First-year experience at ECST (FYrE@ECST): Commit to excellence. Belong to community,” CSU Chancellor’s Office STEM Collaboratives Funding, $375K (2014 to 2016). Co-PIs Mark Tufenkjian, Frances Hidalgo, and Emily Allen.ffffffFACULTY PROMOTIONS (EFFECTIVE FALL 2014)Mauricio CastilloPromoted to Associate Professor and Awarded TenureEun-Young (Elaine) KangPromoted to ProfessorArturo Pacheco-VegaPromoted to Professor28